You can enjoy this business card design as a break from all the dammed illustration on my site: this one is just colored boxes.
RC&P Business Card
RC&P Business Card
Chris is a friend and a talented writer who wrote this text in 19th century prose.
Godsey Words
Godsey Words
A micro-brewer in Oklahoma set up in an old power plant.
Springloaded Brewery
Springloaded Brewery
They help leaky industrial plants find and clean up their mess. That’s good in every way.
Insight Environmental
Insight Environmental
This client manages antique shows all over the midwest. It’s a bit text-heavy but all her shows need to be mentioned.
North Star Business Card
North Star Business Card
Allanwater Bridge Lodge is run by an American, John Jelinski. You can fly there, be dropped off by a CN freight train or possibly boat in: fantastic fishing, remarkably remote.
Alanwater Bridge Lodge
Alanwater Bridge Lodge
This is my favorite of all the business cards I’ve designed: Adobe Garamond, Franklin Gothic and a drawing of a horse. Spare and black and white. Reminds me of a joke: what’s black and white and black and white? A nun rolling down a hill (raised Catholic, I find this kind of funny).
Grass Roots Farm
Grass Roots Farm
Al is an incredibly talented guy, and the best writer I’ve ever had the privilege to work with (and I’ve worked with some really good ones). Creativity drips from this guy’s fingers, and he knows how to craft the ideas into fantastic prose. ‘Nuf said.
Al Shackelford
Al Shackelford
Bob Fierek started the Duluth Trading Company late in the 1980s and I’ve known him since those early days. His son Max is a rabid (and talented) mountain bike racer and wanted a card.
Max Fierek Business Card
Max Fierek Business Card
Business card for a mortgage company.
Home Title Business Card
Home Title Business Card
Bob’s worn many hats in his fascinating life, though he’s likely best known for starting (and naming) the Duluth Trading Company.
Captain Robert Fierek
Captain Robert Fierek
I include this simply because I like looking at it.
The Forest at Sprit Mountain
The Forest at Sprit Mountain